Adult cotton with drill
The company's products include: gas masks, dust masks, dust masks, PM2.5 masks, comfortable silicone masks, smog protective masks, anti-influenza virus masks, anti-formaldehyde masks, anti-odor (odor) masks, high-quality disposable Masks, medical laryngeal masks, medical masks, silicone mouth and nose masks, full-face masks for anti-virus, anti-spray (breath) masks, etc.
Dayi Occupational Health Research Center has been committed to the prevention of occupational diseases and provides professional solutions.
Add : Industrial Park, Zhitang Town, Changshu City, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
Tel:+86 18936148870 (hersmosa) +86 13916555555 (leo)
Email : jones@dayimedical.com
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